I think the more connected we are to raw live foods and connected physically to the earth, the more we can hear the universe/God. God is good. Life is good.
- "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29 (NIV)
- "And the Lord God commanded the man saying: of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat... (Genesis 2: 16)
- thou shalt eat the herbs of the field. "(Genesis 3: 18)
Processed foods and cooked food are dead. (They LACK nutrients. They put us in LACK).
They certainly put me in lack. I was eating healthier than most people but I lacked the vitamins & minerals my body needed. I was gaining weight but I was starving myself of the nutrients my body needed.
I was taking a lot of expensive supplements that are better than most of the supplements people take but I still wasn't absorbing them.
My doctor ran tests and kept adding in more supplements. But they really were not working.
I changed to more absorbable supplements which helped but to continue on my journey to health I had to make another change.
That change was to eat more organic raw vegetables and herbs. The herbs are in supplement form but are still raw. My body can recognize them and absorbed them. I also limit my sugar and fruits.
"An herb as a natural substance provides healing, but it also provides a spiritual message." The Spiritual Properties of Herbs, by Gurudas
This may be a new idea for many of us, but other cultures have been using them for thousands of years. In the Amazon, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.
The food we eat affects our thoughts, feelings & actions.
"The idea that each food, as a particular energy, affects us on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level is a new idea for many people in our industrial civilization. " Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens Md:
So here is the cool thing. As I have been upgrading my food and supplements, I have been losing weight.
I actually gained weight while I was taking supplements that didn't work for my body. I got up to my highest weight ever while taking supplements and protein drinks that were not raw.
Since 2009 I have lost 70 pounds. In the last 6 months I lost 12 pounds.
It is slow & steady weight loss. And I am getting healthier and I have more energy.
Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.
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