Belly fat, and gaining weight is a sign that something isn't working properly in your body. It's so unfortunate that overweight people are blamed for gaining weight by people say it's the result of them overeating and under-exercising.
The thing in common people suffer when they have gained weight is STRESS. It is stress that causes emotional eating. Stress also depressed the metabolism in a normal body, and can make you gain weight while still eating your "normal diet". And stress can also prevent restorative sleep, which in turn, slows down the metabolism.
Sleep and Stress
People under stress are oftentimes sleep deprived. Think about how stress affects your sleep. Even if you are exhausted, oftentimes your sleep is disturbed with thoughts about the issue that is stressing you. This can result in disruption of your normal sleep patterns and keep you from getting restful restorative sleep.
People under stress are oftentimes sleep deprived. Think about how stress affects your sleep. Even if you are exhausted, oftentimes your sleep is disturbed with thoughts about the issue that is stressing you. This can result in disruption of your normal sleep patterns and keep you from getting restful restorative sleep.
Sleep Deprivation & Weight Gain
Recent findings are showing the relationship between lack of sleep, and weight gain. Research from the American Heart Association showed that even 1 hour and 20 minute difference between two groups of subjects was enough to make the sleep deprived group eat an average of 549 additional calories each day! In another study, it was found that subjects had a correlation of body fat with their sleep patterns. Those who slept the fewest hours per night weighed the most.
Recent findings are showing the relationship between lack of sleep, and weight gain. Research from the American Heart Association showed that even 1 hour and 20 minute difference between two groups of subjects was enough to make the sleep deprived group eat an average of 549 additional calories each day! In another study, it was found that subjects had a correlation of body fat with their sleep patterns. Those who slept the fewest hours per night weighed the most.
Lack of sleep is associated with the hormones that control your hunger and satiation cues. Not enough sleep will turn down your Leptin levels and cause Ghrelin to rise. Increased Ghrelin, stimulates appetite and makes you feel unsatisfied with the amount of food that you eat. Leptin, which is produced in your gastrointestinal track turns off the hunger by sending signals to your brain that you've had enough.
This is a perfect combination to make you over-eat, adding additional calories that you don't need!
Lack of sleep can become part of a vicious cycle. If you are sleep deprived, and have started putting on weight a frequent problem is Sleep Apnea. That's a condition where abnormalities, thought to be caused by overweight cause the soft tissue in the rear of your throat to collapse, closing off air passages many times during the night. It stops you from breathing and causes a tendency to snore. The end result is disruption in your sleep. Even when you've given yourself what would seem adequate time to sleep, you only get half as much actual deep sleep. You not only feel tired all day, but it affects your Ghrelin and Leptin levels, adding weight, and contributing to the sleep apnea!
Cutting back from the standard eight down to four hours of sleep each night also was shown to produce striking changes in glucose tolerance and endocrine function. These changes resembled the effects of advanced age or the early stages of diabetes: after less than one week!
Similar to the problems with Insulin resistance (Metabolic Syndrome, or Syndrome X) some people have been shown to be Leptin Resistant. It's like when your body is telling you stop, but you brain doesn't pay attention. And this is NOT under your control.
Rather than telling yourself that "pushing it" to stay awake longer and work by filling yourself with caffeine; you are sabotaging your efforts at weight loss, AND aging your body and brain!
If you don't get enough sleep because you are working too hard, or playing to hard, your efforts may be "waisted" into belly fat (pun intended).
Best selling author and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, frustrated dieters who have been burned out by repeatedly losing weight only to gain it back time after time. For most dieters, she reports, stress has precipitated weight gain and must be addressed before permanent weight loss it possible. Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.
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