A friend complained to his doctor that he seemed to be gaining a little weight every year but it never came off. "Have you ever considered diet and exercise?" replied his doctor. This is actually a true story, and diet and exercise do work, but, and a big but, many of us hate dieting and hate exercising.
Instead of dieting and exercise, here is an idea that works for many people: eating and being active.
Eating is fun and most of us like it, but in part we may be fat because we've been eating the wrong things. Instead of having a formal diet, why not concentrate on eating some good healthy food that you enjoy to complement your diet. Everyone enjoys at least a few healthy things, whether it's fresh veggie skewers on the grill, fruit, chicken breasts, or something else. As soon as you add a lot of fun to eat, delicious, and healthy foods of your choice you will naturally start to eat less of unhealthy fatty foods. Sure, you can eat some of anything, but not a lot of it all the time. Just make sure you include some healthy foods every day if not most meals. I've added fresh fruit, hummus, lots of grilled seafood, and I'm eating a bit less red meat and fatty desserts lately and I'm not missing anything as I eat plenty of things I enjoy.
In terms of exercise, assuming you hate even the word, just be active again. If a total inactive slug, what did you used to enjoy? Most of us have activities, whether running, walking, window shopping, or playing softball that we used to enjoy. Just start doing them. Forget the exercise, concentrate on fun, and get going. I'm walking and biking as well as fishing which involves lots of walking around beautiful places like lakes and streams.
The plan is not to get thin fast. You didn't get fat fast probably either, did you? Just making some small changes as discussed can slowly melt weight off without much effort. Before you know it, you may be 20, 40, or even 60 pounds lighter! It might take a few months or even a few years, but since this plan is simple and concentrates on fun, and you are not going anywhere, you might as well let the fat slowly melt away. Next thing you know people will be complementing you on your healthy appearance.
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