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Fitness Jogging and Weight Loss

Fitness jogging is a great way to stay in shape. For many people is a way of life. But it's not for everyone. Even if you jogged when you were younger, you can seriously injure yourself if you aren't in shape. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting running, especially if you have heart, lung, chronic knee or back conditions.
People who have not been active for several months should not suddenly take up running. Start by walking by walking to gradually build up endurance and muscle strength.
When you can easily walk two miles in 30 minutes, you can begin alternating walking and jogging as you build up to a full program. Listen to your body to determine how much you should jog. Jog with a buddy. You should start walking when you begin breathing too hard to carry on a conversation. Slow down and gradually stop exercising if you feel pain or lightheaded. The most important part of your fitness jogging routine is the stretching and cool down. You should stretch for five to 10 minutes to help prevent tears, pulls and strains. End the jog with a few minutes of brisk walking, to ease the body into the change of pace, and at least another five minutes of stretching.
When you begin running, buy shoes designed for running. Buy a high quality shoe to prolong durability. Make sure it has plenty of cushioning. Worn out or ill-fitting shoes can cause injuries such as ligament and tendon strains, and knee, foot and back injuries.
Sometimes the terrain when fitness jogging can be harmful. Run on soft surfaces such as grass, dirt paths a track or at the beach. If you have to run on streets, avoid cement pavement sidewalks. Choose blacktop roads if you can.

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