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Weight Loss After Pregnancy

You have a lot of weight gain during your pregnancy, all for the benefit of your baby. Now that the little bundle has arrived, you are wanting quick weight loss after the baby. Here are steps to take to lose the "baby fat" and get your body back into shape after the pregnancy.
First, determine if you gained healthy weight during pregnancy. Before the pregnancy, were you under weight, or over weight? This can be determined by BMI and the weight of the baby.
Next, Know that it takes discipline and determination. You must set your mind of your goal, and focus and determine every day how you will respond to certain old habits.
Also, you moving at a pace unlike any other time in your life. You're up early and down late. But napping is necessary, so take full advantage of it.
Third, find support, even if it's someone who is NOT trying to lose, have someone keep you accountable.
Last, Weight Loss after the baby is not the average type of weight loss.  Remember the weight gain during pregnancy was mostly baby weight, water weight; something your body needed to allow the baby a safe place to grow until birth. So, once the baby is born you must integrate good exercise into your plan even if it is walking farther from your car to your shopping center. Take that little bundle out around the block in that new stroller of yours! Go to the mall and walk around pushing the stroller. You are losing weight girl! You are exercising! This is a great time to meet up with other mall walking moms before the mall even opens and catch up on the new life of a mom.
For more detail on how to lose weight after the pregnancy, go to

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