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The Perfect Fitness Solution For Busy Moms

Moms who are busy balancing home and work or are simply preoccupied with house chores missed out on a lot of things important including their personal health. There are moms who work overtime and even sacrifice sleep for their family. This lifestyle can be cause of stress and illness. If you're one of the busy moms accustomed to this lifestyle, you can always remedy this by taking care of your health. The answer? A fitness workout!
It doesn't sound right for some. But if you only listen to your body, it gives you two options to choose from: burnout or workout. Smart moms who understand the importance of their well-being are those who truly know that staying fit will benefit the entire family. Strong moms who work out regularly can lovingly pour all of their energy into their work. A busy lifestyle can be tempered with a good exercise plan.
While most stay at home or working moms relish the thought of working out, most of them have justifiable concerns: who's going to look after the children? If not having someone to look after your kids is a primary concern that prevents you from working out, this too can be solved easily. There are fitness centers who accommodate moms with kids. Children will love playing at the play area with other kids. Gyms such as The 30 Minute Hit fitness centers are known for its friendly environment that allow moms to workout while kids have fun in the play area when waiting for their mothers. Apparently, there's a twofold benefit that you can get from working out at the center: for yourself and for your kids.
The 30 Minute Hit is a viable option for moms who worry about leaving their kids at home or someone else's house. The amount of time required for an effective workout plan can hardly interfere with your busy schedule either. The circuit training that combines boxing and kickboxing can be completed within 30 minutes. When done daily or regularly, this fitness regime can certainly make positive changes for busy moms. Working out at their local fitness centers not only strengthens moms physically. Moms will surely have fun spending quality time with their kids as well.

The Perfect Fitness Ball Workout

For many of us, there simply isn't enough time in the day to get the kind of workout we want to. Between jobs, family responsibilities and spending time with friends, often there is more to do in a day than there are hours available. Although it may be hard to get to the gym and do an hour long routine every day, there is a simple, easy way to work out at home. Working with a fitness ball for just ten to twenty minutes each morning can give you a great cardio workout for those days you just can't get to the gym.
For the most part, working with a fitness ball involves exercising your core muscles, which is great not only for making your abdominals look better, but for strengthening your back as well. If you aren't currently on any type of exercise program, when you start out you should limit your workout to ten minutes or so. To start, try doing some abdominal crunches. You'll want to start out by sitting on the ball, and then roll your butt down the ball until your lower back is centered on the ball. Your feet should be shoulder width apart, and you should be basically laying on the ball at an angle.
Raise your head so that your shoulder blades are off the ball, and place your hands behind your head. Now you have two choices. You can either roll your body up the ball until you are sitting on it, and then roll it back down into the horizontal position, doing eight repetitions or so. Or you can do conventional abdominal crunches, making sure to do them slowly enough so that you can feel the effect in your core muscles. When coming out of either exercise, be sure to move slowly so that you don't pull anything.
Ten minutes of this a day is a great way to strengthen your core muscles, and gives you a cardio workout as well. For a little extra something, you can also do push ups with the fitness ball. Balance one foot on the ball, and your hands on the edge of a couch or bench. Do a few push-ups this way, and the combination of maintaining your balance on the ball and pushing up at the same time will give your arms and core a great added workout.
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